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In 1897 Andrew Prude purchased three sections of land located not far from Fort Davis establishing the A. G. Prude Ranch. Soon he and his wife Ora moved into a small log cabin on their new property. In 1900 Andrew completed a wooden frame house for his family and in 1902 added 1257 acres to the ranch. In 1911 Andrew built a two story ranch house made of adobe bricks cast in a nearby stock tank. They called it the "Big House". By 1920 Prude expanded his ranch to some forty sections of land which comprised a considerable amount of Jeff Davis County.

In 1921 the Prude Ranch started a guest ranch to share the beauty of the land and cool summer weather of the Davis Mountains with city dwellers from across Texas. Early guests arrived on the Southern Pacific Railroad at Alpine and made their way to the ranch by various means. When a terrible drought and the Great Depression of the 1930's forced Andrew Prude to sell his cattle and most of his land, the Prude family decided to operate the guest ranch full time. Soon a new highway near the ranch came into existence and more and more guests began to show up. New guest houses were built as well as a coaching school. The dude ranch program was expanded to include summer camps for boys and girls and various educational programs. The facilities have expanded over the years to accommodate a wide variety of activities. Prude ranch is well known across Texas as a popular tourist destination and continues into the second century of operation.

How the ranch came into existence and continues to operate today after all these years is a fascinating story of determination and survival. Historian Glenn Justice used many primary sources and oral interviews to tell the story of this now famous Texas ranch.

Cattle and Dudes: A Family History of the Prude Ranch 1897-1997 is now available on Amazon as an E-book. For more information or to order go to: ... le%26dudes

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David Dorward arrived in Borden County in 1892. He was born December 15, 1872 in Burleson County Texas to David and Anna Dorward. In 1893 David began working as a wagon cook for the Square and Compass Ranch. A year later he went to work for the Magnolia Land and Cattle Company. In 1901 David became a businessman when he opened the Dorward Drug on the courthouse square in Gail, Texas.

Gail was a thriving community in the early 1900’s. A week after opening his drug store, he married Minnie Russell who taught school in Gail. To this union came three sons, Russell, Maurice and Kelvin. David did home study for his pharmacist license and had it issued by the Texas Board of Pharmacy on September 17, 1907.

Doward supplied prescriptions for two local physicians, Dr. James Prince and Dr. John H. Hannabass. As the little town began to dwindle in population Doward”s Drug became the meeting place of the community by providing over the counter medicines, refreshments, and even ice for the old time iceboxes of the day. When the local telephone switchboard closed in 1918, Doward’s Drug had the only telephone serving Gail and the surrounding farms and ranches until the 1950’s. Telephone messages received by Mr. Dorward at the store would be delivered to local residents or to outlying farms and ranches. David Dorward also served by holding the offices of county treasurer and later served as Borden County Judge.

David and Minnie became strong proponents of the Christian faith. David taught adult Sunday school classes for thirty years and Minnie taught classes for over fifty years. Their dedication left a legacy to the residents of Borden County. After their passing, the Doward Drug building went through many years of neglect until 2012 when R. D. “Buster” and Jean Creighton Taylor acquired the property. Much back breaking work ensued hauling away junk that had accumulated around the property. Jean and Buster were able to salvage the original walls, ceiling, shelving, soda machine and safe from eventual destruction. The pharmacy counter and samples of medicines and many other Dorward treasures may be viewed at the Borden County Museum.

The dedication of the Dorward Drug historical marker will take place on Saturday, June 21 at 2 p.m. in Gail A reception will follow at the Borden County Event Center. For more information contact Lisa Mahler at:

Lisa Mahler

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I am most pleased to announce my book "Little Known History Of The Texas Big Bend: Documented Chronicles From Cabeza De Vaca To The Era Of Pancho Villa" is now available in an E-Book edition at Amazon.

For more information go to: ... e+big+bend
Additional Amazon E-Book titles from Rimrock Press are coming soon!

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Some ten years ago when I first got the idea to do an online blog about Texas history I had no idea how many folks might be interested in such a focus. Last month Glenn’s Texas History Blog set a new record for readership. According to my latest site analytics in August, 38,764 readers worldwide searched out and read at least one page of the blog. This is an average of 1,250 readers per day. Some 18,871 of these readers are located in the United States followed by 4,275 in the United Kingdom, 3,302 in China, 1,013 in Canada, 567 in the Ukrain, 242 in France, 173 in Germany, 138 in Russia, 109 in Australia, with numerous other readers in Japan, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Mexico, Spain and Singapore. A number of these overseas readers are U. S. service men and women stationed around the world.

Most find their way to the blog via Google although there is quite a list of search engines that have been used. A fair number of the readers access the blog with their smart phones something I never dreamed about ten years ago. Recently my internet guru Mike Middleton updated the blog software and I have a feeling he had something to do with the recent upsurge. I cannot thank Mike enough for all of his fine work through the years. Anyone needing a really first class web page design and IT work can contact Mike at:


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On Wednesday, August 14, 2013, 08:48 PM, Sanjay Nasta wrote:

I thought your readers might be interested in the Texas Historical Marker App for the iPhone. The Texas Historical Landmarks app gives you access to detailed historical information to over 14,000 historical markers designated by the Texas Historical Commission.

We built this app because when driving through Texas, I always wondered what a historical marker on the side of the road said, I didn't always have time to stop and look at each marker. We decided to build this app to answer that question and to help educate people about our state's rich history.

The app provides an easy to use map interface that allows you to pinpoint what historical markers are close to you, retrieve driving directions to each marker, keep a tally of the markers you have visited, and even record photos at each visited marker. While traveling, you even have the ability to receive notifications anytime you are closing in on a landmark.

Texas Historical Landmarks is currently available in the app store at:
(there is a free version available with less data if you want to play)

To learn more about the app including screen shots, features, and video see here:

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Dear Friends and Members of the West Texas Historical Association (WTHA)

It is not often that we have news that needs to be sent forward by itself owing to its importance. Many of us who love history and are involved in this association and others like it occasionally rue the seemingly diminished awareness of history. However, there is a center of history excellence alive and well in the heartland of West Texas that is incubating and nurturing the love of history in the next generation. Mr. Richard LaMascus a Social Science Teacher at Hereford High School has guided an award winning Special Projects social science program that has exhibited state and national excellence. The WTHA encountered him with his students at a recent Quanah Parker Trail installation where one of them, Matthew Wilhelm, helped organize and raise money for the arrow installation. He is a member of a much larger program that built on the good work of long-time educator and school board member Carolyn Waters.

The current Special Projects program has expanded the horizon of social studies among the high school students in Hereford, Texas. The list of accomplishments are extensive and they include Hereford winning the Texas UIL Team Social Science Championship two of the last four years and one student, Andrew White, took first place this year at State with his Interpretive Web Site--Devils Rope [barbed wire]-- and advanced to the National History Day Competition in College Park Maryland. Mr. LaMascus said that West Texas is a hot-bed for educational excellence, ". . . our region encompassing El Paso to Fort Worth including the entire Texas Panhandle has been the most competitive in the State of Texas."

Congratulations to the students and teachers at Hereford ISD. All of West Texas applauds you. For LaMascus’ comments about the Hereford High School Special Projects Social Science program please see the note below.
Best wishes, Tai

Tai Kreidler
Executive Director
West Texas Historical Assn

E. Richard LaMascus
Hereford high School
Social Studies Department Head
UIL Academic Coach

Thank you for your interest in the History program here at Hereford High School. My name is Richard LaMascus and I am starting my 14th year as a Social Studies Teacher at Hereford High School and my second year as the High School’s Social Studies Department Head. One of the first people I met upon moving to Hereford is Carolyn Waters. She has been and continues to be a wonderful teacher/mentor, school board member, and supporter of the History programs in and around Deaf Smith County.Reflecting on the photos taken of last year’s Special Topic’s History group, I truly did not realize how much we participated in and/or accomplished this past school year. Among the places visited and programs participated in include:

•Museum of the Plains – Perryton TX, Lecture and question and answer session with S.C. Gwynne, Author of “Empire of the Summer Moon”.
•Presentations to Hereford’s Lion’s Club twice, and the Quanah Parker Trail committee.
•Touring the Crosby County Museum, Deaf Smith County Museum, Panhandle Plains Museum, Palo Duro Canyon and Blanco Canyon.
•We visited and toured several Texas Forts including: Fort Phantom Canyon in Abilene, Fort Concho in San Angelo, Fort McKavett outside of Menard TX, and the still being excavated Spanish Presidio along the San Saba River.
•We competed in several different area, state, and national contests including: The Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Columbus essay writing contest, and in History Day and UIL Academic competitions in Canyon, Lubbock, Abilene, Austin, and College Park Maryland. Andrew White and I also spent three days touring Washington D.C., Gettysburg PA, and Harpers Ferry WV.
•Eagle Scout Matthew Wilhelm helped organize and raise money for the Quanah Parker Trail Arrows placed in Hereford.

Two years ago, Hereford High School began a Special Topics/Research class aimed at providing an option for but not exclusive to GT students’ grades 10 thru 12. The TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) for this class encourage students to research, analyze, and create projects under the Social Studies theme. Simply put, we research analyze and write at a much deeper level than our normal survey classes. We began creating projects for the Texas History Day competition where the requirements for research, annotated bibliographies, and in-depth study fit perfectly with the requirements for this class. The students also study and work towards our UIL Competitions specifically, Current Issues and Events, and Social Studies.

Each of the past two years, Hereford High School has qualified seven to eight students to the Texas History Day competition in Austin Texas. This past May one student, Andrew White, took first place at State with his Interpretive Web Site entitled “The Devil’s Rope” advancing to the National History Day Competition in College Park Maryland. His success has inspired many of my Special Topics students to give it their all this upcoming year wanting to equal or surpass what this fine young man accomplished in 2013.
I also have the privilege of coaching our State winning UIL Social Studies Team. We have won almost every competition entered the past seven years. Our accomplishments include:

•Seven straight District Championships and numerous invitational tournament championships.

•Three Regionals Championships where for the past decade, our region encompassing El Paso to Fort Worth including the entire Texas Panhandle has been the most competitive in the State of Texas

•Five straight years qualifying for the UIL State Academic Tournament winning two State Championships in 2010 and 2013.

Our assigned topics varied greatly including the American Revolution, The Supreme Court, Sub-Saharan Africa, American Civil War, US Space Exploration, Latin America, and last year’s Native American History. This year’s topic may be the most challenging yet, Australia and Oceania; with the assigned book, “Commonwealth of Thieves” the Birth of Australia, by Thomas Keneally. Many top students in Hereford High School will once again compete for one of the final four spots on this great Academic team.
Just a note, over the past decade, Hereford’s UIL Social Studies team has included many of our Valedictorians and Salutatorians and numerous others who have gone on to prestigious universities including the Air Force Academy, Notre Dame, Texas A&M, and of course Texas Tech. Five or more students from past teams have entered Texas Tech’s Honor’s program majoring in Engineering. Student scholarships are far too numerous to count. Andrew White’s Website as discussed in Not Even Past

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The Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library (SWC/SCL) at Texas Tech University announces the availability of the Big Spring Herald online at In a cooperative project between the Howard County Library and the SWC/SCL, the newspaper is available to anyone who has access to the worldwide web. In addition, to the Big Spring Herald, the Big Spring Enterprise from 1908 to 1911 is also available.
Many thanks go to Ms. Hollis McCright, Director of the Howard County Library, Ms. Jennifer Spurrier, Assoc Dean of the SWC/SCL, Ms. Freedonia Paschall, Coordinator of Newspaper Digitization, and Matt McKinney, Director of SWC/SCL IT.For more information on the newspaper digitization project at the Southwest Collection please phone or email the Newspaper Digitization Group at 806-742-3749 and ask for Ms. Freedonia Paschall(<>), Tai Kreidler(<>) or Jennifer Spurrier (<>).

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Dear Friends and Members of the Association:

Please find a message below from one of our members asking for assistance in lobbying to have sufficient budget for the Texas State Archives and Records Commission to properly preserve official digital documents. Apparently, the welfare of digital records are at risk and the matter has been languishing for a number of years until the recent vote that is looming.

As one of the supporters of the states I made the analogy that if Travis had written his letter 10 years ago in a digital format it's likely it would no longer exist in Texas.

Please review the note below and help if you are able.

Best wishes, Tai

Tai Kreidler
West Texas Historical Assn


Dear Historical Association members and leaders,

Now is the time for all concerned with Texas future and immediate past to come to the aid of the Texas State Archives and Records Commission (TSLAC). I received an urgent recommendation from a well-versed legislative source that we should QUICKLY muster all supporters to call the offices of Texas Senator Tommy Williams and Representative Jim Pitts and recommend passage of the special budget item pertaining to the need for developing an electronic archive.


1. As of now, the Texas State Legislature is not providing funds in the appropriations bill that the TSLAC needs for the preservation of electronic records designated as permanent by law or by regulation.
2. This is at least the seventh session that this budgetary request has been deferred, i.e. kicked down the road.
3. We have been losing electronic records since the 1980s with the situation being so bad that we do not know the totality of what is irretrievably lost or what is at risk. But, we know that the records include databases, e-mails, and reports submitted digitally. And, we know that all oil and gas reports are all now electronic. The situation is so bad, that the State Archives cannot receive the legislative archives electronically.
4. Edmund Burke taught us that it is governments duty to preserve national monuments. Texas PERMANENT electronic records are monuments to our State and to our era and the State Legislature should ensure their preservation.

Please call the following numbers: Mr. Rob Orr, at 512-463-0370, who is the liaison for Texas Senator and Finance Committee Chair Tommy Williams, and
Ms. Brady Vaughn, at 512-463-1096, who is the liaison for Texas Representative and Appropriations Chair, Jim Pitt on the House side.

Follow the protocol below:

1. State your name, residence, and the organization that you represent.

2. Ask to speak with the given representative or their legislative and budgetary liaison.

3. Then tell that individual that: State agencies are creating records in electronic formats that must be retained permanently for legal, administrative and historical reasons. Right now, the Texas State Library and Archives Commission has no means of transferring and preserving these records. TSLAC needs the exceptional item funding of $450,000 for the biennium to begin developing a digital archive in order to transfer, manage, preserve and provide access to those records in accordance with state law.

4. Thank them for their time and kindly ask that your comments be passed along the representatives on the budget conference committee for their consideration.

Thank you for your assistance and for your prompt action in regard to these important matters.

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A Brief Chronicle of Presidio del Norte: Homeland of the Jumano is a book about the La Junta de los Rios region that became known as, Presidio del Norte which includes a large portion of West Texas as well as Northeastern Chihuahua and Northwestern Coahuila, Mexico. The book includes notations of an archaic Spanish document that was translated in 1936. It provides insight into the events and lives of people who lived in the region. The translated chronicle includes information from between 1775 and 1859 during the years surrounding Mexico's independence from Spain and when West Texas officially became a part of the rest of Texas and the United States. Very little is known about West Texas during these times, which alone makes this book historically significant.

This preface, introduction and conclusion provide an additional history of the West Texas region that corresponds with the chronicle from the standpoint of its native populations. As such the book takes into account the native Jumano, Apache, Comanche and Mexican-American view of local and regional events as well as genealogical content.

With the addition of local traditional knowledge an opportunity is presented to reevaluate existing facts and issues, to promote peace and understanding, as well as establish mutual respect and acknowledgment of all people.

Israel Mendoza de Levario is a native of the La Junta region. His first publication was in 1996: Old Texas's Chile Cuisine. He was born in Pecos and, after the age of six, raised in Odessa, Texas. He is part of the last generation who grew-up with people born in the 1800's and early 1900's. As such, he learned about his past while literally and figuratively sitting on his grandmother's knee. Israel began investigating his family tree and ancestry in 1987, which expanded to include the history of the La Junta region (West Texas). An important part of his research involved interviewing elderly natives. In this regard, Israel is a person who was touched by the last generation of people who lived very much in the old ways and he has searched for answers that allow him to understand himself, his family, and the heritage of people in the La Junta region.

For about 10 years he assisted Professor Estella Diaz, Director of the Pancho Villa Museum in Ojinaga, Chihuahua, Mexico preserving regional and local history. Israel also played an important
role in and provided valued resources for the establishment of a new museum in Ojinaga, Chihuahua. Sources relevant to the rich and ancient history of the La Junta region are scattered and the history of the native people has generally been neglected, making it difficult for one person alone to gather all the information. Consequently, in 1989 Israel focused on establishing a museum with a research center in Presidio, Texas, but although deserving, the community at that time could not support such a project.

From 1999-2001 Israel directed a second project to establish a museum/research center in Odessa, Texas. With exception of the mayor of Odessa and a few others, community leaders were
not ready to support such a project, although Israel has not given up the vision of its establishment. During that period, Israel also played a role in developing relations, cultural exchange, economic and tourism expansion between Ojinaga and Chihuahua City government officials in Mexico with Olivia Wilson, Curator of the White Pool House Museum, businesses, and the former mayor Bill Hext of Odessa, Texas.

ISBN: 978-1-4675-3735-3

Author: Israel Mendoza de Levario
Bilingual: English / Spanish
Cover, Reproduction of Watercolor Painting by Feather Radha
1-Map, 4 Map Illustrations, 2 Line Drawings, 8.5 x 11, 148 pages
Publisher: La Junta Press, P.O. Box 18001, Austin, Texas 78760
Website: Email: or

U. S. Price: $25 (includes sales tax, shipping & handling)
To Order, Send To: Israel Mendoza
P.O. 18001
Austin, Texas 7876

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I just finished reading a new book; "Coyame A History Of The American Settler" by Dr. Francisco Javier Morales Natera. Although this is a first book for Dr. Morales who is an optometrist presently living in Andrews, it is a most interesting regional history and one that very much needed to be done.

Morales was born in Chihuahua City and raised in Odessa. He traces family roots beginning in the tiny community of Coyame located a short distance west of the Texas-Mexican border in northern Chihuahua. The author spent more than a decade researching the history of the Coyame area and the fascinating past lived there by his ancestors. Morales offers his readers a refreshing view of history offered from the Mexican perspective.

According to Morales, Coyame had human presence for thousands of years before the arrival of the Spanish. People were attracted to the place by fertile soil and a plentiful supply of water. The Mexican Conchos River flows just outside Coyame and pre-European natives used the river as a route to find their way through the rugged Chihuahuan Desert. In later times the Spanish also made use of this important Concho River route to the Rio Grande. Coyame has a rich and remarkable past and Dr. Morales has done a fine job of chronicling its story. Having said that I should also point out that the author's research efforts are somewhat diminished by his use of most unconventional references. Also, the book could have been much better had the author chosen to include an index. The book, ISBN 978-1-4797-3453-5, is available in hard and soft cover editions as well as a Kendel e-book.

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