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I recently received the following email from Gode Davis, director of the film "American Lynching". This is a very worthwhile and important film that very much needs to be finished and its story made public. For more information check out Gode's website at: Please take a look at Gode's comments and help if you can. Gj

Hi Glenn: It was great to speak to you again today. As I mentioned on the phone, as director of "American Lynching: A Documentary Feature" I have initiated our first grassroots funding campaign. Every little bit will be helpful in making our project -- the only feature-length lynching film ever undertaken at this level -- a reality. We have completed about 75% of principal photography in several states. Interviews with witnesses, a survivor (H.James Cameron who survived the wrath of an Indiana mob in 1930),"friends and descendants of victims, and even perpetrators -- have been shot and are in the can. You witnessed one of our crews working with the family of Juan Bonilla Flores (who turns 100 tomorrow) as he is the last surviving witness of the Porvenir (TX) mass lynching event in January 1918. That event claimed his father Longino and 14 other men and teenaged villagers. In the short term -- to restore momentum this summer -- we need to raise several thousand dollars for production of a new WIP (work-in-progress) tape and support my full-time involvement in the project this summer. We are seeking modest contributions ($25.00-$500.00) and they should be mailed to me at: Gode Davis, 10 Saint George Street, West Warwick, RI 02893 and made out to our not-for-profit entity, Bitter Fruit Productions, Inc. Can you please help? Maybe you also know of a few others who might wish to help our project as we will insist upon historical accuracy -- a rarity in documentary filmmaking."
Hasta luego,

Gode Davis
Director and Co-Producer

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